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₹ 14 Crores

Seaside Condo Retreat

Dive into coastal living with this charming condo just steps away from the beach...

  • 1   Bedrooms
  • 1   Bathrooms
  • 1000   square Ft
Posted By Admin
₹ 55 Crores

Elegant 2-Bedroom Condo w...

Welcome to this exquisite 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo located in the heart of do...

  • 2   Bedrooms
  • 1   Bathrooms
  • 1200   square Ft
Estate Agents
₹ 10 Crores

Luxury Condo


  • 2   Bedrooms
  • 1   Bathrooms
  • 1200   square Ft
Posted By Admin
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